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                                                      EQUIFAX DEVELOPER CENTER
                                                     Accelerating innovation by providing
                                                      on-demand access to our powerful
                                                         APIs in a secure environment
                                                        that’s easy to test in a sandbox,
                       InstaTouch ID provides real-       integrate and get to market
                      time, authenticated consumer          faster than ever before.
                       identification to provide faster
                   mobile transactions with less friction.   Alida Fazlagic, Liana Durkin
                   The demo showed how InstaTouch
                   instantly identifies the device user by
                   cross-referencing mobile carrier and
 DEMAND              Equifax data, and  prepopulates          MEASURE IMPACT,
                        on the consumer’s mobile               CREATE DEMAND
 Working with UST to rapidly       device.                Optima Hub connects the user
 create a prototype that allows users                   journey and the buyers  response.
 on-demand access to  Archive data.   LaVonne Straley  The session demonstrated practical
 Fast iteration cycles means that the   IGNITE |     big data use cases by measuring media
 customer’s needed functionality can   ANALYTICS TO    impact with advanced modeling and
 be addressed quickly and applied   PRODUCTION         offering simulations and real time API
 for immediate feedback.                                feeds to put attribution into market.
                          Traditionally, analytics                  Robby Bryant
 James Bond
 Vivek Sarin            development and insights
                       execution are disconnected
                  processes.The demo showed how to

 UST GLOBAL       close the gap with less friction using       DATA DECISIONS
 FORECASTING MADE   Advanced Modeling Engine (AME)                   CLOUD
 EASY                   and Attribute Engine (AE).
                                                           Equifax and FICO showcased
                                Bob Crutchfield
 UST, Moody’s and Equifax        Ryan Baltes            the full integration that will improve
 have identified the best ways to                     strategy development and drive better
 showcase predictive capabilities of                 decisions across the consumer life-cycle, Combining the                   including:  better targeting, quick testing,
 latest technology with the existing                    scorecard development made easy
 platform allows the team to take   SYNTHETIC ID       with best in class data, easily access
 analytics in a new direction and   FRAUD’S REALITY       market trends, peer trends and
 support user requests.  Businesses need to quickly                    more.
                     detect synthetic identity related
 James Bond       risk. Using patent pending machine                 Amy Graybill
 Vivek Sarin                                                      Lamar Shahbazian
                 learning solutions, the demo visualized
                 how synthetic identity is captured and
                   reinforced the volume and scale of
                   the financial impact from detected
                           synthetic identities.

                                Sri Tirunellayi
                                  Cori Shen

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